Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Joy of "Pre-diabetes"

I had my yearly physical last year on my birthday. Okay, my birthday is in August but I didn't actually get around to having my physical until November, but hey I was busy...

I'm a year older and a bit more arthritic. As expected, osteoarthritis has arrived like a freight train right on schedule. Me and Celebrex have begun a lifelong intimate relationship together.

I had bloodwork drawn at my physical, of course. Results came in a week later. Losing weight (65 pounds!) has allowed my liver function tests to be normal, yahoo!

The only cloud in an otherwise blue sky was my fasting blood glucose test: it had ranged consistently between 95 and 99 for over 10 years, but this year it inched up to 100. Congratulations, Mr. Jensen, you're officially "pre-diabetic" now.

What does that mean? Oh, it's just a classification. I'm supposed to take the next step in diabetic testing, drinking 12 ounces of sweetened sludge and get my blood drawn for 2 hrs straight.

...not gonna happen.

My surgically sleeved stomach cannot hold 12 ounces of anything any longer, anything over 4 ounces gets flushed into my gut directly and screws up any and all lab results. Ooops!

So we go from stage 1 testing (fasting blood sugar) to skipping stage 2 (sweetened sludge) all the way to stage 3 (an a1c test).

Simply put, a1c measures how well your red blood cells process sugar for the past 3 months.

I had my a1c test yesterday, and got my a1c results back today. They were...interesting.
My number was 5.8
I compared that against my numbers from 1992, 1998, 2005 and 2008: I've been rock solid steady (ranging 5.7 to 5.8) my entire life.
So that's good.
I also found that they rescaled the "normal range" in 2010. 
Prior to 2010, "normal" was anything less than 6.0, abnormal was greater than 6.0.
In 2010, they broke it into 3 bands: normal (<5.7), "pre-diabetic" (5.7 to 6.2) and diabetic (over 6.2). So technically, I'm "pre-diabetic" on the new scale and "normal" on the old scale. Since my levels haven't budged in 21 years, I think I'm pretty safe.
They said if my cholesterol was high, I could lower my A1C by eating more fiber. If cholesterol was normal (and mine is), I can generally lower my A1C by eating less refined sugar.

Soooo....bottom line: less sugar in 2013!!

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