Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gym Dandy

The first week in January is simultaneously one of my favorite and least favorite weeks of the year.

On the plus side, it's the only week of the year when I am guaranteed not to be the fattest person in the gym. It's also great for people watching there, huge crowds waiting to use gym equipment. People wearing their new exercise outfits, lifting gloves and especially weightlifting belts.

On the negative side, I cringe watching people do some really dangerous stuff at the gym. Slinging weights, dropping plates, and a myriad of technique flaws that must cause an average of about one torn knee or elbow ligament an hour.

I was doing incline bench presses today, trying my level best to concentrate on the bar, and overheard what can only be described as a "cougar attack" occur about 10 feet away from me: a 40-something woman, not in bad shape, pouring out her marital woes to a 20-something personal trainer. I wondered if he knew he was being propositioned.

In any event, I successfully tortured my chest and legs today.

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