Thursday, July 24, 2014

If you don't stop, you'll go blind

Mom was right: if you don't stop, you'll go blind....

In a moment of personal vanity, I tried on contact lenses at my annual eye check at the optometrist last week. Hey, I've got a much younger girlfriend, and every bit helps, right?

After four days, though, I gave up. It was difficult to put them in each morning, and irritating to take them out each night. I poked around so much in my right eye last Friday trying to remove my contact that I seriously irritated my eyeball. Enough was enough, I conceded defeat and ordered new eyeglasses.

It's been five days since I ordered my new glasses. I have an increasingly hard time using my old glasses, plenty of eyestrain, and now my right eye seems to really have a problem focusing. Headaches abound, and I can't wait for my new glasses to come in....

This morning, my eyes were especially irritated...and so was I.

I rubbed my eyes, and lo and behold a contact lens popped out of my right eye...I thought I'd pulled that damned thing out last week! No wonder everything looked blurry even with my old glasses on!

...and I'd been putting Visine in my irritated eyes at night, and Visine and contact lenses are an especially bad combination.

I continue to find new and novel ways to abuse my body....