Saturday, March 23, 2013

First he wasn't, then he was...

While grilling outside earlier this past week, I opened the back door to my deck and a bright green flash bolted into my house. The most electric green lizard I've ever seen!

We had a fun time playing chase all through the house but I eventually gave up when he ran beneath the refrigerator.

Two days later, I was opening up a window and my lizard buddy jumped out at me from the windows sill....except he was dull yellow, the color of the wall!

How cool, I thought, a chameleon! We had yet another impromptu game of "Chase the Damned Lizard" and he escaped into a hole in the baseboard beneath the dishwasher....except every where he ran he left a trail of pollen. It wasn't a chameleon, it was a lizard coated in pollen!

This morning I got up and got the vacuum cleaner out. I switched on the motor and something large and BROWN flew across my brown floor. Yep. Mr. Lizard-who-wasn't-a-Chameleon is officially a Chameleon again.

Seeing as I haven't seen a single bug in the house since he's moved in, I'm leaning towards keeping him.

I'm going to name him Romney.

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