Monday, August 10, 2009

What do you mean, she "failed"?

I woke up in the middle of the night with a start: yesterday was my birthday...and I had forgotten to renew my car tags! (Car tags expire on your birthday in Georgia)

Got up at the crack of dawn this morning to go get the mandatory emissions test for the car, a.k.a a waste of $25.

The technician had a sad look on his face..."I'm sorry sir, your car has failed the emissions test."

"Whaddya mean she 'failed'? The car is only five years old!"

"Well, sir, it failed the gas cap pressurization test..."

I interrupted "I just don't see how that can be possible on a late model car!"

"uh, sir, that's just don't have a gas cap on your car."

"I don't...have.... a gas cap?"

Sure enough, there's a gaping hole behind the little door where the gas cap used to live quietly for so many years. I have no idea how long I've been driving without a gas cap, I think I last filled up the tank three weeks ago.

I'm off to NAPA auto parts to buy a $13 gas cap replacement......

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